Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 1 Dancing about architecture

And so it begin. Here I am, 30 years old, realizing that my life has to change and I'd like to do something that will make a difference in my mind and body. Can't say I've ever been a thin girl, but at 5'7 and 214lbs I can't say I'm average either. It's not come without some work, I've been my own worse enemy and indulged in many a sweet and salty item that my body clearly didn't need. Oh, what a sob story. I've no patients for listening to that and I suppose you don't either.

Okay, now what? What is going to help me to stop putting these dangerous things in my mouth and take my health seriously? Having been a vegetarian for a few years, the raw food diet isn't that much of a stretch. I think I've received about 30 screwed faces when I told them I was going on this diet. The typical response was "WHY?" and "Won't you miss cooked food?". I didn't want to go into the why so much, it's just an emotional thing in terms of my own determination to lose weight and be healthy. I usually responded with a "Why not? Do you want to eat chemicals for the rest of your life?". That shuts up most people.  Missing cooked food, yeah, that might be something I will notice later, but it's something I'm willing to do.

Oh, I almost forgot the second thing people say, quickly followed by a "that's not for me":

What on earth will you eat!? You'll starve!

Today Mat (husband) and I had a Vega fruit smoothy for breakfast, Green shake (with more vegetables than I care to list, most of which I wouldn't really enjoy on their own) and a spinach + mixed green salad with strawberries, walnuts, baby carrots, and any other vegetable I care to throw in. Mat is in the midst of making this as I type.

Not bad really and both of us felt somewhat giddy and high. I usually laugh a lot during a day, but today I felt extra giggly and my engagement ring is a bit loose. I realize one day shouldn't make that much of a difference, but I certainly feel something is going on.

At work I'm team captain for our 10 week weight loss challenge where companies compete for a trophy. I think I will be the secret weapon for my team. I don't think anyone else has a raw foodist on their team.

Not only will this be awesome for the team, but I totally look forward to my new lifestyle. It will totally make choices easier and challenging at the same time. Easier in the sense that I know what I will put in my body and it's simple to follow. A challenge in terms of educating people around me. How am I going to go to company lunches/dinners? I suppose I will make exceptions for regular salads and not insist restaurants serve me organic lettuce. Eating out will prove a big deal as I do this often at work, but I'll just have to figure out a way around it. I'm sure people will be understanding - I hope.

Tomorrow I'm going to continue the exercise workout I started and I'll be up at 5:20 to get suited up, drop Mat at his bus stop and do my 45 mins of core exercise at my work gym. I might pop in the Abs Diet video to start. I have the Women's Health Trainer Exercises book and it's pretty awesome, I enjoy the moves shown and they really have paid off in the past, but Monday morning is a cause for auto pilot with the dvd. Wednesday I'll be under the supervision of our wellness coordinator and she'll most likely put me through some vigorous exercise, like last week, where my triceps hurt for 4 days. Sigh. I can wait till then.

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